Seems like the digital fortress that is OS X is finally starting to crack. Andrew over at the Ambrosia Software Web Board writes about what he sees as a Trojan for OS X which was postet at the website.

It’s a little compressed file pretending to include screenshots of the next OS X version. When decompressed it appears to include a JPG file which in reality is a UNIX executable that performs several malicious functions.
From what he found out the Trojan tries to send itself via iChat to all your buddies, there is also code that tries to spread the Trojan via eMail but it looks like it’s not entirely finished.

Read more about the dissection in the original thread ยป here. Included is also a disassembled version (textfile) of the Trojan.

Here is the thread at (link to the original file deleted).

So maybe it’s time for us Mac users to start running a virus scanner in the background while working?

Update: robg of examined the Trojan a little further for Macworld at Digging deeper into the Leap-A malware. His resum??is the following:

I am now officially very sick of Leap-A, having spent probably 18 hours on it over the last two days. The short summary is that it’s a bad piece of malware that could have been worse but it’s far from the self-propagating internet-spreading virus/worm that’s been described on other sites. At the end of the day, it’s really just a good reminder to be very careful about what you download and install on your Mac.

I assume everybody who is interested has found out by now, that you can subscribe to Flickr RSS feeds with the new iPhoto ’06 to have them show up as what Apple calls Photocast. The bad thing about it is that several infos are lost and mainly the feed only contains the small images.

A witty macosxhints user has reacted immediately and set up a little web application to convert the Flickr feeds for subscribing in iPhoto ’06, check it out below:

Thank you 3eyes (John Evans) ๐Ÿ™‚

thanks to Jason who pointed me in the direction of a very similar service, with a few extra features, called photocastr.

Aside from all the Mac frenzy over todays Keynote by Steve Jobs there was another interesting announcement: Google Earth for Mac.

I won’t write anything here about all the Apple announcements from Macworld’s opening, because you can read about it all over the place and I would just be duplicating old news ๐Ÿ˜‰

Google Earth runs on Mac OS 10.4 and up and is coming out of beta status as of today. All of you who illegally took a sneak peek at it via the leaked beta should update as well, because there are a few features which weren’t quite ready in the leaked version.

? so go for it

edit: looks like it’s PowerPC only! Not very wise, after the first Intel Macs got announced today ๐Ÿ˜‰