I’ve spent most of my day today trying a plethora of different ways on how to configure Proxmox on a Hetzner server with multiple IP addresses. Most of the tutorials I found online gave a good deal of information but where lacking in one or two crucial details. Shortly before I was ready to throw my computer out of the window, I had success and managed to get everything set up the way I wanted it.

This aims to be the definitive guide on how to accomplish the aforementioned task. When ready the setup includes the following features:

  • Host bound to main IPv4 address, that comes with the server (and one of the 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 included IPv6 addresses)
  • Every IPv4 address of a separately delegated subnet usable for virtual machines
  • Internal private network for inter-virtual machine communication and non publicly accessible VMs

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On Mai the 30th & 31st the Austrian “Linuxwochen” will again hit my former university in Eisenstadt.
Look ahead for some very interesting talks by several highly skilled people.

One event I’d especially like to draw your attention to is Oliver’s pice about “Linux Server Experience with VServer” on Fr. the 30th. at 17:15 hours.

I’d be happy (and I’m sure, Olli even more) to see a lot of people attending this great event, listening to the talks held there and discuss open source solutions with us 🙂