Tag: iLife

- Apple announces Mac OS X Lion with some superb new features. OS X Lion will be available in Summer 2011.
- In about 90 days Apple will open an App Store for OS X Apps, thereby bringing iOS closer to it’s desktop sibling.
- FaceTime is now available for OS X so you can start video chats between iOS devices and OS X desktop computers.
- Apple updates the iLife Software suite with some nice improvements.
- There will be a new MacBook Air.
- Boxee Box Starts Shipping November 10
Amazon will start shipping the?Boxee Box to customers on November 10, with other retailers throughout the world offering the device beginning on November 17 both online and in stores.
- If you read yesterdays?Morning News Update you know about the discussion between Apple iOS and Google Android about being “open”, my thoughts about it and what Joe Hewitt twittered. Now Joe Hewitt posted an article on his blog, clearing up a few of his statements.