I’ve restructured this website a bit and gave it a brand new home page.

The blog is now not the default page you reach, when you point your browser to my site. The new homepage mostly lists all the stuff that’s happening around this webpage and my life.

  • Featured posts rotating on top
  • Latest blog posts
  • Latest tweets
  • Recent photos
  • Recent music
  • Recent Foursquare checkins
  • Recent comments
  • My tag cloud
  • Popular posts

Additionally I edited the sidebar and removed some widgets so overall loading time should improve as well.

Foursquare Latest Checkins Widget Screenshot

Foursquare Latest Checkins Widget

I just released the first public version of my newest WordPress Plugin.

The Widget displays your latest Foursquare checkins in your sidebar. There are quite a few plugins out there that offer similar or even more features, but my motivation was, that I wanted the venue icons to show up as well. After a bit of research I found out, that the only way would be to use Foursquare’s API and not the private RSS feed most of the other developer used for easy integration.

Since I didn’t want to learn yet another API I just used Yahoo’s awesome YQL to get out the data I wanted. There is no caching impemented in the plugin at the moment, so it would be wise (anyway) to have some kind of page caching mechanism installed on your WordPress blog, otherwise it might slow down page loads, because of the sometimes relatively high latency of YQL calls.

Head over to the Foursquare Latest Checkins Plugin page to download.

Feel free to comment with feature requests, questions and criticism. I’ll try to answer it all!

I’ve finally found a new template for this blog, that I really like. I’m still playing around with some of the configs and plugins, but this seems to be pretty much how blog.no-panic.at will look from now on.

If anything is screwed up or you just want to tell me how awesome everything is now, drop me a line in the comments.

I shifted around a few things on my blog today. The main thing is, that the blog header now shows my latest tweet (which is also my latest Facebook status) and the time since it was posted.
Other improvements include a reorganisation of the sidebar widgets and a few CSS adaptions.

This Blog is now Facebook Connect enabled.
If you have a Facebook account, you can click the “Connect with Facebook” button in the comment section to tie your ramblings to your social network profile.
Awesome, isn’t it? 🙂