Adium participated in this year’s Google Summer of Code and took 6 students for a full time internship. The projects they worked on where quite successful as it sounds.

Of course the thing I’m mostly looking forward to is the Audio/Video integration. It wasn’t completely finished in this SoC but it seems like they now have a pretty solid base to build upon.

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Markup Maker is a very convenient way to quickly get a valid (X)HTML structure for web pages you make.

Just paste in your (semantically correct) div ids for the layout you want. Choose if you want inline CSS or a separate file and which Doctype your document should have.
After that simply click on “Convert to XHTML” and you’ll get a nicely formatted HTML & CSS document.

In our effort to get more and more services into our own hands & to be able to blame ourselves and nobody else if something goes wrong,?Hirschy successfully attempted to install MyDNS on a couple of our servers.
We already took a go at it after the second last outage of our fellow DNS provider Awebs (now Quickstep) but didn’t have the time and energy to completely finish the task. Now after the next outage which is still kind of un-explained by the DNS provider we though it’s time to move on.

After a couple of hours of testing and writing a custom update script that replicates our DNS data to the secondary and tertiary nameservers via mysqldump and scp I think we are ready to migrate all our domains to this setup.
Now the only thing left is an answer to my eMail to Quickstep and then we’ll begin moving.

I really hope with those measures all the domains will be saver and suffer from less timeouts. Many thanks to Hirschy for his excellent work 🙂

There is a good HOWTO at Howtoforge that explains the installation of MyDNS and the easy-to-use webfrontend namend MyDNSConfig.