Good news everyone!
Today it’s the second birthday of the world famous, amazing blog of my good friend Herbert aka Gotchi.
Go take a look and congratulate 🙂
Author: Florian Beer
Simple PHP RSS Script
In case anybody needs to quickly publish DB contents as RSS feed, you can now use my SRSSS – Simple RSS Script 🙂
Nothing sophisticated but should serve a valid RSS 2.0 feed. Just fill in the setup vars on the top, construct your SQL query and make sure you’ve got the right values in the while-loop.
Download here -> SRRS
How diverse is your music taste?
Following up to my post from yesterday, I found another funny calculation, the AEP Calculator.
You just type in your username and based on the top 50 artists in your profile, it will tell you how diverse your music taste is. If you are over 4 you’re very diverse, under 0 means you’re kind of obsessive about your top artists.
See the site for more information on how this index is calculated.
Remote controlling computers via Synergy
Yesterday I finally set up my good old iBook as juke box. It now sits on a shelf besides my working table and runs iTunes fullscreen wirelessly connected to the net and the stereo via my AirpotExpress. It’s working perfectly and I am really satisfied with it. The only downside was, that when I wanted to control anything on the iBook I had to reach over there.
I evaluated several different utilities for remote control but wasn’t really satisfied with any of them, then I remembered about Synergy. What it does is best quoted from it’s page:
Synergy lets you easily share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers with different operating systems without special hardware. It’s intended for users with multiple computers on their desk since each system uses its own display.
That’s exactly what I was going for and luckily setup was really easy (instructions for Mac OS X).
- Download Synergy from
- Unzip the archive and copy the resulting folder wherever you want (“Applications” might be a good idea 😉 )
- Decide on your “Server” (= the computer who’s keyboard and mouse will control all the other machines). On this machine you need to make a file named synergy.conf with the following contents
section: screens
section: links
left = screen2
right = screen1
Substitute screen1 and screen2 with the hostnames of your computers (just punch in hostname in your Terminal and find out). Note that there is no implicit logic in the config file about the placement of the screens. So you have to tell Synergy that screen1 is right of screen2 and the opposite or you won’t be able to leave one of the screens with your mouse.
The provided sample config is pretty well documented so you should be able to figure out the appropriate positioning for your particular set up very easily. - When you’re done with the config, all there’s left to do is start Synergy. Just execute the following in your Terminal.
First on the Server (alter the program path to match your system):
/Applications/Synergy/synergys -c synergy.conf
and then the client(s):
/Applications/Synergy/synergyc screen1
again substitute screen1 with the hostname of your server
If you didn’t make any mistakes in the config file you should be up and running by now and be able to move freely between all of your screens no matter to what machine they are connected.
The best thing about Synergy is that it is cross platform compatible, meaning you can connect Windows, Linux and Mac machines in a similar manner. To know more about the program consult the documentation provided in the installation directory.
For the lazy, there is even a Mac OS X GUI Programm to do the configuring: SynergyKM 😉
I am 29.53 % Mainstream
…really, I am serious!
I found this out by typing in my Username on the Mainstream-O-Meter.
There’s even a top list of the most obscure participants on the bottom 🙂
I always knew: In reality I am different, I just don’t have the time to be it. 😉
Pls, comment with your result…