In its latest bid to show its progressive side, popular band Pearl Jam has just released its latest music video, “Life Wasted,” under a Creative Commons license. That means, according to Creative Commons creative director Eric Steuer, that anyone will be able to “legally copy, distribute and share the clip” for noncommercial purposes.

An awesome step in the right direction, if you ask me!

Macbookglossydisplay20060516Am I the only one that thinks that the slogan for the newest Apple MacBooks is sounding really ridiculous?

Introducing the superfast, blogging, podcasting, do-everything-out-of-the-box MacBook.

In German it’s even far worth in my opinion:

Hier ist das superschnelle, Blog- und Podcasting f?hige, sofort startklare MacBook.

To me that sounds like: “Hey, we forgot something! The presentation is in two minutes, we still need a slogan – just write some random stuff underneath it that includes the latest buzzwords!”
I mean just the “do-everything-out-of-the-box MacBook” thats not even a word.

C’mon Apple, you can do better than that!