Klout logoI’ve recently succumbed to peer pressure and registered myself in the vanity game called Klout.
What it does is basically tell you how “influential” you are across several different social networking channels (mainly Twitter and Facebook) and how far your “reach” is.

I have to admit, it is kind of fun to see your own scores progress over the weeks. I couldn’t say if this is actually a deterministic way to tell if somebody is a person you should listen to (at least for the topics he’s listed as influencer on Klout), or if this is just another way beyond follower-/friends-counts to stroke ones ego, but it provides some nice insights about the topics you converse about online.

Klout features two more interesting things I’d like to point out:

  • Topics: Pages about different topics, who talks about them and who are the top influencers in that field.
  • Perks: Depending on your score, you can get gifts or discounts from numerous companies around the world. Now that’s what I call motivation to communicate online 🙂

Firefox versus IE9I just stumbled upon this infographic by @paulrouget that explains the differences between Mozilla Firefox (4) and the just released Microsoft Internet Explorer 9. I have to say, that I was pretty excited about this new IE version, because I thought that maybe finally the headaches over IE compatibility will start to fade away. But after reading through all those information I am very disappointed. For instance they still didn’t implement simple CSS stuff like text-shadow? Seriously?! (And I’m not even talking about transitions, gradients or HTML5 history API)

Click here to see the graphic as an HTML document with clickable links to all the test sources.

When will Microsoft wake up and get their act together? Is there really any incentive in releasing a browser that lacks so far behind? Especially when they already acknowledged that their older products (IE7 & IE8) are lacking most of the modern web technologies and thus they needed to release IE9.


Thanks to @malde for sharing this in Google Reader!

<Pomax> 20 years from now, someone is going to have the radical idea to give users access to the underlying OS, rather than to the browser API, and he will be heralded a revolutionary.
<Pomax> All manner of programming languages will pop up that work outside “the browser”, giving access to “offline” applications, storing files in “user space”, even perhaps running in something called “kernel mode”.
<Pomax> It’ll be a brave new world.
<Mirell> It’s scary that’s believable.

via qdb.us

On that note, I’d like to point you to my new company website, where I do web & mobile app development … 😉
