Inspired by a blog post from Adrian Sutton and the comments beneath it I am now documenting how I train Spamassassin from within Apple Mail.
The setup is fairly straight forward but implies that you at least have a working Spamassassin instance running somewhere and know your way around UNIX a little bit. So I’m just going to explain the rough details to get you going.
- Switch on the bayes database for SA. On my Debian box this is done via putting the line use_bayes 1 in the file /etc/spamassassin/ After that restart SA (eg. /etc/init.d/spamassassin restart)
- Let SA put all your Junk Messages in the folder “Junk” in your IMAP Account
- Let Apple Mail put all your Junk Messages in the folger “Junk” in your IMAP Account
- Install a little Cronjob to have SA learn Spam from your Junk folder and Ham (=not Spam) from your Inbox. The following is my script:
echo "----learn spam----"
sa-learn --spam /var/opt/vmail/*
echo "----learn ham----"
sa-learn --ham /var/opt/vmail/*
Note: those are just 4 lines, the blog just wrapps the two ‘sa-learn’ lines because of limited horizontal space. Of course you have to change the path to the real location of your ‘Junk’ folder. - Last thing to do is installing the cronjob. Mine looks like this:
0 */4 * * * /path_to_your/script > /dev/null 2>&1
Actually my setup involves learning from 4 different user accounts, who all use Apple Mail just to get more Ham- & Spam-volume faster.
I hope this is helpfull to you. It works perfectly on my server for over a month now.