Growl iconIt’s time again to circumvent Apple’s Mail Plugin policy and update the GrowlMail Bundle with the correct identifier string. Otherwise, after updating, Mail will tell you it has disabled the GrowlMail plugin and will move the bundle to ~/Library/Mail/Bundles (disabled).

To amend this, follow these steps:

  1. Quit Mail
  2. Move theΒ GrowlMail.mailbundle Folder back into ~/Library/Mail/Bundles
  3. Enter the following two commands into your Terminal:
    defaults write ~/Library/Mail/Bundles/GrowlMail.mailbundle/Contents/Info SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs -array-add "1C58722D-AFBD-464E-81BB-0E05C108BE06"
    defaults write ~/Library/Mail/Bundles/GrowlMail.mailbundle/Contents/Info SupportedPluginCompatibilityUUIDs -array-add "9049EF7D-5873-4F54-A447-51D722009310"
  4. Start Mail and enjoy Growl notifications for new eMail again!

Apple Mail under OS X Leopard doesn’t support the GrowlMail Mailbundle which comes as an extra when installing the Growl notificaiton framework. Since I really missed that feature, that has been with me as long as I own a Mac, I searched around the WWW to find a solution.
Luckily there is a way:

  • Quit Apple Mail
  • Download the Growl .dmg from its website and install GrowlMail
  • Launch the Terminal
  • Enter the following two commands
    defaults write EnableBundles -bool YES
    defaults write BundleCompatibilityVersion -int 3
  • Start Apple Mail and enable the GrowlMail plugin
  • Be happy ever after πŸ™‚

via: blimps are cool

logo_plazes.jpgPlazes rolled out it’s new version yesterday for all it’s users. The update sports a great new UI and some new features, of which I particularly enjoy the groups function.

One downside was the automatic update of the Plazer, which is the program that sends your current location to the site. The new version kept crashing for me and many other Mac users as I found out in the “Mac” group. They fixed the bug now but unfortunately the old version crashes before it even gets to the point of auto update. So you have to download it manually if you want to continue an uninterrupted Plazes experience.

The new Plazer now even features Growl support, which is great because now you’ll get a notification whenever one of your friends chages plaze πŸ™‚

Picture 1-3
In an attempt to make Growl even more useful on my Mac I added two scripts today.

The first one is Growl Notifications for iCal. It lets you add reminders to events in your calendar via Growl in addition to eMails and the standard giant iCal reminder that always gets in the way.

Picture 2Thomas Aylott made a little hack for the Mail reminder Applescript for iCal, allowing it to remind you via sticky Growl notifications. This is how it ought to be, it’s perfect in my eyes!
If you want cool iCal notifications as well get his script here (including instructions how to install).

Picture 2-1
The second Growl addition to my Mac is NewsGrowl. This script is an addition to my favorite newsreader NetNewsWire. It shows you which feeds have new news items and how many there are. Simple, unobtrusive … Growl style!
The script binds into NetNewsWire as a “special subscription” at the bottom of your feed list.
Get NewsGrowl (including installation instructions).