- Google to offer cloud printing for Chrome OS, web apps predicts cloud-aware? printers
Saying, Our goal is to build a printing experience that enables any app (web, desktop, or mobile) on any device to print to any printer anywhere in the world.? Google has published a?new set of documents that outline an exciting new (and as yet unavailable) service: Google Cloud Print.
Cloud Print will seemingly be how all printing from Chrome OS will be handled. As all apps on Chrome OS are actually web apps, Google says, we want to make sure printing from web apps is as natural as printing from traditional native apps is today.? Cloud Print will not only work with web apps, however Google says that it will also work with both mobile and desktop apps as well. All of these print jobs will be handled through APIs, according to the documentation. All printing from Chrome OS will be done through Cloud Print. - Movie Industry sues UPC Austria (broadband provider)
Net neutrality seems to become a really pressing topic in Austria. The “Verein f?r Antipiraterie (VAP)” together with Wega Film, Constantin Film and Satel Film has issued a cease and desist order against UPC because they offer access to the website kino.to which let’s users view movies and TV shows for free.
(Article from futurezone.at in german / translated version) - iPhone table connector project gets a demo video
- New York City’s new offline P2P file-sharing? network
So far there are 5 places in NYC to drop or find files on a dead drop. Each dead drop contains a readme.txt file explaining the project.