A very neat approach for nested data sets and how to display/reorder it, using JavaScript.
Author: Florian Beer
links for 2007-10-01
links for 2007-09-28
A blog about coding, includes lots of PHP code snippets to help you learn
new tricks. -
A large collection of tutorials for every level of PHP developer.
Nearly two dozen video tutorials taking you from the most basic aspects of
PHP up through advanced techniques. -
An extensive help site for PHP users of all skill levels, has over 400 code
snippets to help you along with different project aspects. -
Numerous resources, but the star is their archive of over 3600 PHP scripts
for just about every function you can dream of. -
PHP News, Views, and Community
links for 2007-09-27
Explanations on why not to use innerHTML (and when to maybe use it) and some examples to get the same results with pure DOM.
MySecureShell – chrooted SFTP server
Yesterday the wonderful Howtoforge had an article that finally freed me from my beloved/hated scponly. MySecureShell offers all the functionality of a proper SFTP server, easily configurable and very well integrated.
To get it up and running on Debian, just download the latest *.deb version from Sourceforge.
Then install it with the following command:
dpkg -i mysecureshell_0.95_i386.deb
Now for every SFTP user you want on your system just do the following (substitute ‘test’ with your desired username).
Add a normal user to your system:
adduser test
Open the file /etc/passwd and change the user’s shell from /bin/bash to /bin/MySecureShell. The line then should look something like this:
Alas, you have a chrooted SFTP only user, without the clutter of numerous additional directories for the chroot. Simple and elegant 🙂
The last step is to have a look through the config file in /etc/ssh/sftp_config, it’s pretty well documented!