macfuseI use the really great macFUSE to mount several server directories via SSH on my work computer. One programm that makes this process really easy is Macfusion which offers a menu item and a standalone application to configure your mountpoints and mount/unmount them.

macfusionAfter upgrading to Snow Leopard recently Macfusion & macFUSE stopped working, so I was searching for a solution and luckily found one at Racker Hacker – Fix MacFusion on Snow Leopard.

Now I’m happily developing my PHP projects again in Netbeans with my remote dirs mounted via SSH 🙂

After reading a tip (and the comments) at about how to mount a server via the finders sidebar using automator I came up with a very easy way to access my server via SSH in the Terminal.

This method lets you open the Terminal, automatically ssh’ed into your server, via Spotlight, the Finders Sidebar, the Dock, your Desktop or anywhere else you can think of.
The following is a step by step tutorial on how to achieve this.

  1. First you make sure your server is accessible without a password (via ssh public key authentication) for your own convenience. This step can be left out as well but it is much better this way 😉
    Read about how to set this up here. The entry is in german but the steps you have to take are in english, so it should be easy to follow.
  2. Open up TextEdit with a new document and fill in the address to the server in the following form:
    Select the text, click and hold until the cursor turns into your normal mouse pointer. Now drag and drop the text to your desktop as shown in the picture to the right (click on it for a bigger view). This creates a shortcut file on your Desktop that you can rename to whatever you want. You can even change the icon on it!
    Now close TextEdit.
  3. Next choose a location for the file in your filesystem. I made a folder called “connections” in my home folder where I plan to keep all my server connection shortcuts. But we’re not stopping here. The shortcut is a normal file as any other in OS X, so you can drag it to your sidebar, keep it in your Dock, search for it with Spotlight or click on it in the Finder.


If you happen to use and love Launchbar like me, there is an even quicker way to open your server connection: Open the Launchbar Configuration ([CMD]+Y in Launchbar) and right click / [CRTL]+click in the left pane where all the different rules are listed. Click on New Rule -> Folder… and in the resulting dialog choose the folder where you keep your connection shortcuts.
Now you can open each of them by just typing the name of the shortcut in Launchbar and hitting enter.


A few month ago I started to look at OpenVPN which has a very good GUI for the Mac called “Tunnelblick“. After I managed to set it up on my server I thought why not share my home directory via the VPN tunnel and mount it on my Desktop. It should be fairly usable, providet I’ve got sufficient net connection on my end, since my server has a 100MBit internet line. So I set up Samba and let it listen only on the VPN interface.
The following is a quick step-by-step how-to on setting up such a setup 🙂

Install OpenVPN on your server
Donwload the latest source from
Unpack it and run the usual commands:
make install

Then do some testing:
make check
If it all works fine, you’re good to go.
The other possibility is of course to install it from a package your distribution provides you, in my case this is handled by apt (aptitude install openvpn) which has the advantage of setting up init scripts so the VPN is startet at system boot and taking care that the whole environment on the server is suitable.

Configure OpenVPN on your server
We’re gonna work with a pre shared static key here because it is easier to set up and provides enough security for home use.
My config file on the server side looks as simple as following (/etc/openvpn/home.conf):
dev tun
secret static.key
keepalive 10 60

This tells OpenVPN to start a new VPN on the “tun” device with the IP of using the key named “static.key”. The rest are some tweaking commands which should be pretty self explanatory.

Now we only need the static key.
We can construct one by putting in the following command:
openvpn --genkey --secret static.key
The static key file is formated in ASCII and should be kept very private. Send one copy to the computer you would like to connect to your server and keep the other copy besides your config file on your server.

Install and set-up Samba
Next you need to install Samba. I again took the Debian way via “aptitude install samba”. Then I tweaked the standard setup to export the user’s home directories and listen only on the VPN interface and not the normal one.
interfaces = lo,
bind interfaces only = Yes

comment = Home Directories
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 0775
directory mask = 0775

The rest of the smb.conf file can be pretty much left alone.

Start openvpn and samba
Provided you installed it via your packaging system or set up the init scripts yourself you can now start the two programs by typing in “/etc/init.d/openvpn start” and “/etc/init.d/samba start” (or wherever your distri keeps it’s init scripts).
If the two started up ok, you’re done on the server side.
Time to move on to the client.

Install Tunnelblick
Download it from, mount the Disk Image and double click on “Tunnelblick-Complete.mpkg” which installs all the necessary drivers and software packages. Now you should have a Tunnelblick icon in your Applications folder.
When starting the program for the first time, it will well you that there is no configuration file present and will offer you a sample configuration.
Simply replace the sample configuration with the following:
dev tun
secret static.key
keepalive 10 60

As the last step you have to put the file “static.key” that you obtained from your server earlier in ~/Library/openvpn (this is where your config resides as well).
This should be it. Click on the Tunnel entrance symbol to the left of your Spotlight icon and choose your config, after a short moment the connection will be present.

The last thing to do is to mount your home directory.
Press CMD+K in the Finder (or go to “Go -> Connect to Server” in the Menu) and type in the following:
substituting “user” with your username on the server. After that a new icon should appear on your desktop containing all the files you have in your home directory on your server 🙂

nach langem probieren und suchen, hab ich endlich ein einfaches und leicht verständliches HOWTO gefunden um SSH dazu zu bewegen, dass ich nicht immer ein passwort eingeben muss wenn ich mich einlogge.

# On your local machine
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
$ cd ~/.ssh
# for safe keeping
$ mv
# Log in to the remote machine and create your .ssh key there
$ ssh remote_machine
$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
$ exit

# Back on your local machine
$ scp remote_machine:.ssh/.

# Back to the remote machine
$ ssh remote_machine
$ cd .ssh
$ cat >> authorized_keys2
$ chmod 600 authorized_keys2
$ exit

… so leicht kanns sein, wenn man mal weiß wies geht 🙂
das funktioniert natürlich nicht nur auf Linux Systemen, sondern auch problemlos auf meinem iBook unter OS X.