Log4Twitter is very similar to an idea Herbert an me had a couple of years ago, to use a Jabber messaging framework to get distributed logging and alerts from several servers/applications.
It is a Java class that allows you to “log” to Twitter. This would easily allow you to set up an application that sends messages to a private Twitter Account that you can subscribe to. Retrieving those messages should then be possible by IM or even SMS, seems like a perfect set up for me.

Using Log4Twitter is as easy as the following:

Setting Classpath
Add log4twitter-1.0.jar to your application’s classpath.
Note that log4twitter-1.0.jar has to be loaded by the same classloader that will load the logging framework.

Setting Logger
Edit your logging framework’s configuration to enable Log4Twitter.
The fully qualified class name of log4twitter is “log4twitter.FRAMEWORK_NAME.TwitterAppender”.

See the Log4Twitter page for some examples.

Now who’s got the time to code a Linux syslogd replacement or supplement, so I can receive important log messages via Twitter? 🙂

For a long time Mac OS X was the one platform left out when it comes to developing MIDlets. There where soultions from SUN for Windows, Linux & obviously Solaris. There was no official build for the amazing NetBeans Mobility Pack for the Mac … well, there still isn’t one but I looked around a bit in the gathered knowledge of mankind which is the WWW and found the blog of Lukas Hasik. He has a fairly well written documentation of how to achieve a working development environment on Mac OS X.

In this post I’d like to summarize the nessecary steps as well as make a few annotations where I ran into difficulties while following the described steps.

Continue reading


I’d like to present to you the latest project I worked on. It is called FeedMonsun and is an online RSS aggregator which Herbert & myself did for programming for distributed systems at our uni.

Read more about it here and feel free to test it out (not available anymore) here.
(beware it’s is far from finished!)