Roundcube Webmail Piwik Analytics Plugin

Roundcube logoEasy setup for Piwik analytics in Roundcube Webmail.
Featured on the official Piwik Integrations page.

This is a fork of roundcube_google_analytics.



  • Copy the contents of the extracted directory to plugins/piwik_analytics
  • Add piwik_analytics to $rcmail_config[‘plugins’] in config/


  • Copy plugins/piwik_analytics/config/ to plugins/piwik_analytics/config/
  • Edit the new file and fill in all the appropriate settings.


Roundcube Webmail piwik analytics plugin






Date: March 29 2011

Version: 1.0


  1. Vielen Dank für das Plugin! Mir ist bei der Installation auf einer SSL-verschlüsselten Seite aufgefallen, dass beim Piwik-Code ein kleiner Fehler enthalten ist.

    So stimmt “pkBaseURL” für SSL-verschlüsselte Seiten nicht, die Zeile sollte:

    var pkBaseURL = ((“https:” == document.location.protocol) ? “https://’ . $rcmail->config->get(‘piwik_analytics_domain’) . ‘/” : “http://’ . $rcmail->config->get(‘piwik_analytics_domain’) . ‘/”);

    lauten, also eigentlich nur das ersten “http://” durch “https://” ersetzen.

    Nachdem ich das erledigt hatte, lief es bei mir auch über die SSL-Verschlüsselung.

    Schönen Gruß!

  2. Hi,
    Good work on this extension, I appreciate you sharing this. I would have a question if I could. I am a hosting company and provide the Roundcube Webmail as a global install so this one install works for 50 or so websites. Is there a way to track all of them in the same Piwik user account.
    Best wishes,

  3. hi, great plugin!
    i’m trying to figure out how to get a user logins level stats, like a top ten of most logged users. do you know if is it posible using this plugin+piwik combination?

  4. For the last Piwik version it must change to:
    $script = ‘

    var _paq = _paq || [];
    (function() {
    var u=”//’ . $rcmail->config->get(‘piwik_analytics_domain’) . ‘/”;
    _paq.push([\’setTrackerUrl\’, u+\’piwik.php\’]);
    _paq.push([\’setSiteId\’, ‘ . $rcmail->config->get(‘piwik_analytics_id’) . ‘]);
    var d=document, g=d.createElement(\’script\’), s=d.getElementsByTagName(\’script\’)[0];
    g.type=\’text/javascript\’; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+\’piwik.js\’; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);

    config->get(‘piwik_analytics_domain’) . ‘/piwik.php?idsite=’ . $rcmail->config->get(‘piwik_analytics_id’) . ‘” style=”border:0;” alt=”” />

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