After a long pause due to my physical state I’m starting to blog again.
The following arrived in my mail today.
(probably the only interesting thing about the FIFA World Cup …)
as of today 18:00
on air for beta testing!+——- ASCII_WM 2006 !
—+A big step in the Unofficial ASCII History of Moving Images:
“The best,
most ridiculous,
most redundant graphical implementation
of ASCII”:+===============+
| ASCII-WM 2006 |
+===============+The FOOTBALL WORLD CUP ’06 – LIVE in ASCII !!
live on telnet!enjoy the word cup – delivered as a high-definition 80×24 charcater
stream into your beloved terminal!pop up your shell and telnet or netcast to:
~$ telnet 2006
Support your local Apple
Herbert searched and looked all over the internet in the past few days and was rewarded today. He found out that it’s now official that all Austrian students on every Austrian University and University of Applied Science (= FH) can buy their strongly needed Mac stuff at the onCampus store here.
That means we can now all enjoy the benefit of the very good deals that they offer
…and did I mention that the new Rise Against album totally kicks ass *g*
Bush ‘planted fake news stories on American TV’
Brave new world!
Federal authorities are actively investigating dozens of American television stations for broadcasting items produced by the Bush administration and major corporations, and passing them off as normal news.
“Wag the dog” IS reality! Pretty shocking if you ask me but the outcome will be NOTHING, nobody cares about those sort of news anymore. Are people getting used to being lied to?
A case of the humans
Pretty accurate short animation clip … about human life on earth.