I just stumbled over a very odd detail concerning the Twitter homepage:
The timestamps on my tweets differ, depending on which URL I use to access my profile.

http://twitter.com/azath0th shows my last tweet as being published on 10:40 AM Aug 9th

http://twitter.com/Azath0th (notice the capital “A”) says the last tweet was posted on 12:40 AM Aug 9th

A two hour time difference because of a capital letter in the URL?
I assume it’s because of the GMT – CET timezone difference, but why is it triggered by different URLs as a signed-out user?

I’ve finally found a new template for this blog, that I really like. I’m still playing around with some of the configs and plugins, but this seems to be pretty much how blog.no-panic.at will look from now on.

If anything is screwed up or you just want to tell me how awesome everything is now, drop me a line in the comments.